Indonesia Independence Day 2014

August 17th 2014 marked the Indonesia’s 69th Independence Day. It is a great time to honor our founding fathers and to remind us to put our differences aside, and be the red & white that we truly are.
it is another perfect time for a celebration for the sunday evening. Just like last year and the years before, we are joined with some of the nation’s finest to prepare the dishes to serve our nation’s leaders, Including Secretary of State, Mr Sudi Silalahi and President of Indonesian Business Association of Shanghai, Mr. Adi Harsono, also the spouse of Minister of Culture and Tourism, Mrs Mari E. Pangestu.
Together with team from Pangan Lestari, we prepared some of our fried delicacies, including mini wonton, spring roll, samosa and fried shrimps.
Until next year, Happy Independence.
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