Board of Commissioners

Finna Huang
Singaporean citizen, born in 1976. She received her Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from Babson College, and continued her studies by taking Master of Business Administration, majoring in Strategic Management from Boston University. She is the founder of PT Medicare Indonesia (2003-present), has worked in Accenture Strategy Consulting (1998-1999) and Dell Computer Asia Pte Ltd (1999-2000) in Singapore, and has extensive experience in entrepreneurship.
She is affiliated with Mr. Oei Harry Lukmito, President Director, Mr. Gary Iyawan, Director, and Mr. Howard Ken Lukmito, Director, and with the controlling shareholder of the Company.

Hartono Wijaya
Indonesian citizen, born in 1967. He received his bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering majoring in Industrial Management from Tarumanegara University, Jakarta. He joined the Company in 2014, and since May 2016, he was appointed as director to the Company. Prior to joining the Company, he worked in similar companies since 1991, PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia (2006-2012) and PT So Good Food Manufacturing (2012-2014).
He is not affiliated with other directors, board of commissioners, and controlling shareholder of the Company.

Dr. Hadi Cahyadi
Indonesian Citizen, born in 1966. Graduated with bachelor’s degree in Economy in 1990, Master of Business Administration from University of Houston, Texas in 1993, and Master of Corporate Law from Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne in 1999 and holds a doctorate in Management from Pelita Harapan University (2021).
He joined the Company since 2019 as Independent Commissioner. He has worked at Arthur Andersen (1989-1991), KPMG (1994-1997), PT Sumber Subur Mas (1997-1999), KPMG Melbourne (1999), Ernst & Young (2000-June 2000), Deloitte (June 2000-Sept 2001), PB Capital (Sept 2001-July 2009) and is currently working as Managing Partner & Founder of Helios Capital since 2009.
He is not affiliated with the board of directors, other commissioners, and controlling shareholders of the Company.